Azerbaijan plans to increase renewable energy generation to 30% by 2030

Baku reported on REPORT.AZ on September 19. Recently, Azerbaijan’s energy minister Sabahov recently said that by 2030, the proportion of renewable energy in Azerbaijan will increase to 30%. Currently about 8%
The minister said that 2025 is expected to have a power demand of 250-280 billion kWh and an export capacity of 18 billion kWh. Electricity production is expected to increase by 3.6% this year to reach 26.1 billion kWh. In 2020 and 2021, electricity production will grow by 8%. (Business Office of the Embassy in Azerbaijan)

On the afternoon of September 6, 2022 Beijing time, BGI Gene held an online signing ceremony for strategic cooperation with the Azerbaijan Mediterranean Anemia Center. Both sides plan to conduct scientific research cooperation on the prevention and control of thalassemia, aiming to improve Azerbaijan’s ability to prevent and control thalassemia. This project marks the official launch of the first batch of overseas “poverty alleviation” projects by BGI, and is an important milestone in BGI’s “poverty free world” strategic goal.


Thalassemia is one of the current public health issues of high concern worldwide, and Azerbaijan has one of the highest incidence rates of thalassemia, with a birth rate of approximately 1/1000 children with severe thalassemia. Out of a population of 10 million, it is estimated that more than 150 affected children born in poverty are born each year.


As a leading global institution in the field of life sciences, Huada has completed multiple internationally advanced genomics research projects. Based on high-strength research and development investment and continuous technological accumulation, Huada Gene has achieved a series of important patent achievements in upstream experimental and information technology for molecular detection, reproductive health, tumor prevention and control, and infectious disease prevention and control. In the future, BGI Gene will continue to focus on cutting-edge technological innovation, integrate interdisciplinary and interdisciplinary innovation resources at home and abroad, bravely climb the world’s technological peak, and make contributions to improving human health and well-being.

On May 26th, the Azerbaijani Embassy in China held an Azerbaijani National Day reception in Beijing. Vice Foreign Minister Ma Zhaoxu was invited to attend the reception and delivered a speech.


Ma Zhaoxu stated that China and Afghanistan are friendly and cooperative partners. China is willing to work together with the Arab side to fully implement the important consensus reached by the two heads of state, continuously improve the quality and level of mutually beneficial cooperation between China and Afghanistan, and promote the continuous development of China Arab relations.


As the Ambassador of Azerbaijan, I am pleased to see that the bilateral relations between Azerbaijan and China have been elevated to a new level in recent years and are in the most glorious period in history. Azerbaijan’s Ambassador to China, Jenali, highly praised the development momentum of bilateral relations and the results of the Samarkand meeting between the two heads of state, stating that the relationship between Azerbaijan and China is based on friendship, mutual respect and trust, and that the development of relations with China is a diplomatic priority direction for the Arab side, We are willing to give play to our regional advantages, continue to actively participate in the joint construction of the “the Belt and Road”, and expand Arab Chinese cooperation in various fields.


Janali introduced that today, Azerbaijan is an important trade partner of China in the South Caucasus. In 2022, the trade volume between Azerbaijan and China reached 2.2 billion US dollars, an increase of 21% compared to last year. China is Azerbaijan’s fourth largest trading partner. At present, there are over 200 Chinese enterprises settling in Azerbaijan, and they are increasing every year. Chinese enterprises have successively conducted business in Azerbaijan’s industries, energy, infrastructure, information technology, trade, agriculture, and other fields.


Jenali also introduced that Azerbaijan is one of the first countries to support the “the Belt and Road” initiative. Azerbaijan is located at the Eurasian border and actively invests in infrastructure construction both domestically and in the region, hoping to become a transportation hub and logistics center for transit transportation in the region


According to data from the Ministry of Commerce, in 2022, China became Azerbaijan’s largest source of smartphone imports. In 2022, Azerbaijan imported approximately 676000 smartphones, with a total value of $150 million. Among them, 408000 smartphones from China were worth $90.28 million.

According to data from the National Bureau of Statistics of Georgia, from January to April 2023, the volume of extraordinary trade reached 6.49 billion US dollars, a year-on-year increase of 21.9%. Türkiye (US $930 million), Russia (US $850 million) and Azerbaijan (US $500 million) are the top three trade partners of Georgia.


The export volume of Georgia reached 1.96 billion US dollars, a year-on-year increase of 23.5%. The top three export destination countries in Georgia are Armenia ($280 million), Azerbaijan ($260 million), and Russia ($230 million). The most exported products of Ge are automobiles ($600 million), copper ore and its concentrates ($260 million), and ferroalloys ($84.4 million).


The import volume of Georgia reached 4.53 billion US dollars, a year-on-year increase of 20.3%. The top three import sources are Türkiye (US $790 million), Russia (US $620 million) and the United States (US $410 million). The most imported products are automobiles (730 million US dollars), oil (320 million US dollars), and natural gas (250 million US dollars).